Now the details. The cost of our new place was advertised as $500/ month. We met the owner and discussed replacing some of the covering over the outside patio to allow more light to filter in and brighten the living room. He was ok with that improvement. He was ok with our painting some rooms. In fact he was ok with anything we wanted to do AFTER we signed a lease. We again asked the price and were told $450. I said I did not want to pay over $400. Nope $450.
Ok we had othe places to see so off we went. We called other rentals, and drove by some. However, as we were doing our drive around, he called and said $400 would be fine. So we have our home.
Now we need to furnish it. Homes in Ecuador unfurnished do not even have a stove or refrigerator.
Bedroom #1
Bedroom #2
Master Bedroom
Type of closetNeighborhood
Across the street
Bedroom #3
Dinning room