Monday, April 20, 2015


It is a very progressive city. There are a lot of cultural activities here. Art shows,classes, free symphony and other musical events. Something every week.

AND you can drink the water right from the tap. In many countries I have visited, you are not able to, so not having to worry about the water is wonderful.

There are many parks,large and small, open areas to enjoy. There are 4 rivers flowing through and around the city. All have access for pedestrians and/or bike paths. The parks are even equipped with exercise equipment for everyone to use.

There are 4 rivers flowing in and around Cuenca. We live in between two of them. they all come together southeast of the city and form the Paute River that flows into the Amazon

The city keeps Cuenca very clean. Sure there are those who litter,but there is an ordnance against it with steep fines. There are many clean-up crews working all the time, everywhere, even on the street where I live. The neighbors are always out sweeping and helping in the clean up. Pride of neighborhood.

I see hardly anyone smoking. What a joy to not have to endure that bad habit. Mostly of those I do notice smoking are Europeans.

People are so very friendly. Several who speak English and have noticed me looking for something in a store, have come up to me to ask if they can help me find something. What a pleasant surprise. Of course, I have become aware that they so wish to be helpful, that they will give you incorrect information rather than say "I don't know". I have been on several wild goose chases.

Most everyone you pass will greet you with a " Buenos Dias or Tardes" depending on the time of day. The common greetings is " Como se va  Buenos Dias" How's it going,Good Day.

We do not refrigerate our eggs. Hard not to do, however they are not refrigerated in the stores, so we place them in a basket almost as a decoration.

I DO NOT like their butter. Cant't explain but it seems like lard painted yellow.

Crossing streets is a real and can be dangerous undertaking. Pedestrians certainly do NOT have the right of way. At the light change, it is the cars turning right that you must watch out for. They just beep their horn and move you out of the way. I look and then just run across every time as I am never sure where a car will be coming from. My neck cant swivel as it used to.

Car alarms are going off much of the time. Either there are a lot of stolen cars or they go off accidentally. I am not sure the alarms do much good as so many go off no one is paying attention any more.

Everyone lives in a very secure home. There is either a solid wall or a big metal fence surrounding the home.All entrances, whether through the fence or otherwise are securely locked.  Additionally, there may be several electrically charged  wires mounted on top of the wall. I, however am not aware of any serious crime in our neighborhood

There are lots of dogs running loose all the time and many of them do a lot of barking. We have one poor dog just across the street. He has been chained to his dog house ever since we moved in. I never see anyone pay any attention to him or feed him although someone must. The building is a small apartment complex with several residents. The dog will bark when ever anyone who lives there comes or goes, just looking for attention and never gets any. ( That I have noticed) Very sad.

It seems that every or at least most vacant lots are used to grow food, whether it be chickens or vegetables even cows. Even homes with a large front or back yard are growing something.

These are my thoughts of Cuenca to date
There may be a future update


The most exquisite rainbow I have every seen. It appeared and lasted for all most 30 minutes.
A double and covered the whole sky.
Too big to capture with the lens I have.

From our second floor patio

Monday, April 13, 2015


Really hard to believe we have been living in Cuenca Ecuador for 5 months. We have found the move here interesting, exciting, and full of adventure. All in all it seems to have been an easy transition. We found the right house to settle into. We connected, it seems, with all the right people who have helped us along our way. We have learned the bus system, been able to locate places to  have our furniture made and appliances purchased. We have been able to open a bank account.We live within walking distance of almost everything we need, laundry, bakery,buses and a shopping mall where among everything else we can pay all our utility bills in cash.

We have encountered a few difficulties. We did bring our two cats and 3 boxes of household items each on the plane. The airline baggage fees were so complicated, I was unable follow the costs and I am sure that we were overcharged about $1000. We stayed in a B&B for the first week. Because we had animals she wanted an additional $100 "deposit". We thought it would be returned as we were very careful to clean the apartment when we left. Nope, lost another $100. Our landlord back in Tucson failed to return our $2500 deposit that we were counting on to augment our funds. And of course we have , not yet received our resident visa as our papers have been refused twice already. We have had to pay $350 each for a visa extension as our first 90 days ran out. Now the Ecuadorian government has decided to perhaps close the door slightly on new resident application by increasing their fees. What was $12 for each document preparation is now $60. BIG difference. We are coping, but cost are mounting. Happily our living costs, so far, are just over $1000/month, a reduction of $1700/month living in Tucson. including dinning out several times, This  is doable.

Now the fun part has been making our house a home. This is right up our alley. Sharyl dreams and I make the dreams come true. We have done some painting and had some furniture made according to her specifications.

Step 1
Syep 2

Second bedroom


 Now a living in room

With some more added seating
Had chairs made by local carpenter 

Only $320 for two

                                                      Next we painted our " Solarium"

Improves the cozy living room view

Our daughter Lisa made this beautiful quilt
A real piece  of art work to grace our dinning room.

 Added a table and chairs to our " balcony"

-----and in our kitchen as well

Added some color to our outdorr patio

Just a few pictures brightens up the stair well
 Our house has now become more bright and cheerful
Sharyl has worked her magic.

We now move on to our two other bedrooms
to be sooooo inviting you can not refuse a visit 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Today I went hiking in Cajas National Park with James, Pat and Shabbaz.. Cajas is 45 minutes west of Cuenca. The area is spectacular. The day was brisk, mostly cloudy, but very invigorating. I  had to force myself to hike as there were pictures everywhere I looked. Hiking anywhere in natures environment,  is very much like a spiritual experience. This hike, in these dramatic mountains,  followed by a delicious fresh trout lunch was totally beyond words. Just plain wondrous.

 This structure is a Yurt under construction to 
accommodate overnight  hikers

Chuguiraga jussieui
Flor de Montana

We passed several lakes filled with trout. 
Trout are not native to these mountains but the lakes  have been 
stocked with trout from United States and Canada

Plantago rigida
These plants form a compact mound

Halenia serpyllifolia
Deers Head

Puya clauia-herculis
A yucca plant

The quiet and breathtaking scenery is very moving. 


 Having completed our glorious hike, we await our meal
served in a completed Yurt

Two weeks later a second hike took me way up and I mean up
  to this waterfall.(13500 ft)
We started at 12000ft

Wermeria pumila

Gentianella rapunculoides

Our intrepit leader --- James

Some places were more difficult than others

But we made it!

From Pond
To Bucket
To Cleaning
To Wok

Perfect end to a perfect day