Sunday, August 14, 2016


The City Government of Cuenca does an absolutely wonderful job of providing very special events for all to enjoy. One of the most fun, that I have really enjoyed has been, FREE, a bus ride to near-by communities to see their town and their special history and culture. I have now joined 6 different trips so far.
One that was particularly fun and interesting arrived in a town called"Llacao" From there we were asked to walk along a long windy road  to a sacred area called a PACHAMAMA or mother earth. The place was located on the top of a flat mountain  with a just gorgeous overlook back to Cuenca.
 One of two buses transporting us around
 The town dancers put on a show for us
After the dancing., we were asked to walk along a dirt road to the top on the mountain  The hike took us about 45 minutes to arrive at the top

 A look back from where we came. It really was a beautiful walk and
spectacular view when we reached the top

 Standing on top of the Pachamama

The city of Cuenca is located in a wide valley know to locals as "The Basin"

At the top a number of Indigenous people had assembled
 This gentleman was giving a very impassioned speech. From what I could understand and was told, he was saying that many years ago, the city wanted to build its airport here on their sacred land . They defeated the plan at the time, however the city is again trying to  revise the idea and he was advising us of the plan and asking no, pleading for support

Afterwards a Pampa Mesa was prepared. A Pampa Meas is a "common table" A mat or cloth  is spread on the ground and food is placed on the mat.Everyone sits around and  shares what they have. The mat is narrow enough so that all can reach the food and eat any and all  that  they wish 
 Prior to partaking of any of the food, the gentleman in this white on the left, asked for the oldest person to come forward. This person happened to be me.Now,  I was one of only a small handful of  gringos on the trip of two bus loads of people.
  As soon as I " volunteered" a little old lady was so happy to take my hand and lead me around the "table". She had in her hand a small pot into which we gathered small portions of most of the different dished spread before us.
The food was blessed with a small ceremony and we then dug a small hole and buried the food. The Ecuadorians present certainly enjoyed my participation and were all over us taking pictures.

After our "feast" we hiked back to our buses using some remaining portion of the Inca Trail. It was now apparent why we were asked to walk up on the road Walking on the Inca trail and participating in this special " Pampa Mesa"
What a special experience for me. 

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