Thursday, November 24, 2016

VIVA ECUADOR Two years later



Hard to believe that it has been two years since Sharyl and I made the decision to pick up and move to ECUADOR, but here we are with no regrets 

I came to Ecuador ...........for the standard of living. I can live much better here than if I had continued residing in Arizona or any other state in the US. The value of all our essential needs is much lower without having to sacrifice anything. Now many non essential items are more expensive, but we do have enough extra income to choose or not to purchase them.

I came to Ecuador............for the birds, my passion. Ecuador has the greatest diversity of birds of any other country for it size. I have enjoyed already, travelling here and there to watch and enjoy them.

I came to Ecuador.............for the adventure, enjoy a new culture, speak a different language, and the adventure continues to  happens every day.

I stay in Ecuador.............for the people. So beautiful, so friendly, Everyone , stranger or known offer a greeting every time. I am greeted with " Hola Vecino" "Hello neighbor"  by those who live around me even when I run into then elsewhere. There are the " Gringos" as well. It seems much easier to make friends with them as well, perhaps because of the shared experiences of living in a foreign country.

Our GOOD friends Felix and Lupy. 
They have certainly made our life here extraordinary. We have shared in their special events, Taken a family vacation to the beach. with their whole family. Exchanged evening meals. Learned to eat and cook Ecuadorian foods. They have acted as guides for us and taken us to special places and sights around Cuenca. We above all enjoy their company. 

I STAY IN ECUADOR ............for the respect they have for families and especially their elders. I am advanced to the head of the line in, hospitals, a preferential window  in banks, offered a seat on the bus, half price cost for ANY bus fare, as well as  airfare to anywhere in the world. We do have to pay the full taxes and other fees however.

I STAY IN ECUADOR..........for the climate. It is like spring year around. Yes we have cold days Yes we have hot days. Yes we have rainy days but mostly we have very comfortable  sunny days

I STAY IN ECUADOR...........for the culture. There is a symphony concert every friday evening----FREE. There are monthly bus tours of the surrounding communities----FREE. I have participated in clay working classes, making decorative masks, pots of my own design for my plants, and lamps.---slight cost for the clay.  I have participated in cooking classes to learn about Ecuadorian foods and how to prepare them----FREE. And best of all I am learning and improving my spanish.

I STAY IN ECUADOR...........for the beauty, especially the mountains, The Cajas Mountains, I lead a hiking group of 5 every week and others join as they wish, I cant get enough of hiking in  The Cajas" the national park with in 30 minutes of where I live.

 Come visit and hike with me

I STAY IN ECUADOR...........because I feel safe. Ecuador is a safe country, very little crime. Yes there are pick-pockets, I have been a victim. I now have fashioned a small bag in which I carry my money and cedula ( ID card) and credit cards. I have also had my backpack stolen with many valuable items in it. But I do not blame all Ecuadorians. It could happen everywhere. I am now much more vigilant. AND we do not have the gun violence here as in the states. No reading about the lastest gun slaughter happening, You can not own a gun here.-----and they call this a third world country.  

I STAY IN ECUADOR............for the health care, wonderful,modern healthcare 
We have signed up for the National Healthcare Insurance. $74 per month,for both of us, covers everything we have needed so far at no extra cost----annual exam----Dr visit---xrays,blood tests etc-------ALL meds, All equipment is modern and Dr's are very knowledgeable. Sharyl's health is the best it has been in a long time. That may be however be due to our diet of fresh fruits and vegetables.

All looks good enough to eat---and it is

So our exciting life continues. Every day is totally enjoyed--new experiences--new people to meet--new places to visit---not enough time. You should consider a visit Come one come all you are welcome to our paradise!!!!!! 


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary in Ecuador. I admire how you have found your niche there, enjoying all the variety of their culture and this new way of life. Wishing you both all the best in 2017.
