Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Glitch

It has been said that moving to a new culture will require a LOT of patience---new way of doing things--pace is much slower--language barrier---understanding how things work  such as a new appliance, if it does not work--you bought it, you own it. I was hoping I would be able to arrive in Cuenca before I experienced any serious problems. Well I was sooooooo wrong!
Yesterday, I sent a e-mail to my man in Cuenca, whom I hired to help me through the maze of acquiring our resident visa's. I was simply asking for an up date on the progress of our application. He responded that as soon as I forward all my papers he will submit them. I was flabbergasted.He has had all my papers for over 4 weeks. After advising him of that fact he advised me  that for what ever reason and what ever circumstance,he  had gotten me confused with another client with the same first name. He in fact did have the documents and would begin the process immediately.Well , this was a real setback. Here after I am thinking I was almost ready to get my visa, I am back to square one. This from a person who said that there would be no mistakes if I hired him to help. I wonder if I can regain any trust in the future in what he has to offer. He did tell me that he has been hearing that the process takes only 4-6 weeks now,not 6-8 weeks  as previously expected. If true, this keeps us on track to leave as planned first week of October. We  shall see!!!!


  1. This is so exciting... I have a wee bit of gypsy blood in my veins, I believe, so think this is a grand scheme. Happy Trails to you... we will see you, hopefully, before you leave. I will go look for your time line.

  2. It reminds me of working on the orphanage in Mexico. People will promise you the moon, they will tell you what they think you want to hear... and it all sounds good. But the delivery is often a problem.
