Friday, September 5, 2014

Perfect Storm

I have a dream. But dreams do not just happen. One must not lose sight of the dream. One must perservere. One must never give up.One must be flexible, willing to accept setbacks as part of the journey to reach the goal. To see the dream to fruition.
A number of issues,some expected, some not, have arisen to cause me to place my application for my Ecuadorian Visa on hold.
Sharyl has developed some health issues that are worrisome. We are trying to treat them or at least trying to find a way to deal with them while still here in the US. Getting as many answers from our doctors here before we go to Ecuador seems like a good idea.
Then there is Desert Villa. Our occupancy rate does not seem to improve. We get a resident and then lose a resident soon after. This has been the story for at least the past 5 years. Not enough residents to make the operation worth continuing.We have decided to sell.
Sabrina needs my managers license to continue operating until we are able to sell Desert Villa. She is also trying to get her own managers license so she can support herself in a smaller facility. New regulations require her to attend classes for about 6 weeks. This will require Sharyl and/or I to be at the facility during those class times.
Joshua is having difficulty adjusting to being a 15 year old. This occupy's a  big portion of Sabrina's time and concerns Sharyl to the point of having a very hard time leaving Sabrina to deal with this "Perfect Storm" of events.
Placing our application on hold will allow us about 4 months to solve these issues and be able to enjoy our adventure in Ecuador. This seems to be to best and most logical way to proceed. And so it will be. We can reopen the process at anytime. The hope is sooner rather than later.


  1. Life gives us all some bitter curves now and then. Wish this was easier for you. But you are being practical and realistic. Bless your hearts.

    But on the other hand, we will get to see you before you rush off into the wild blue yonder!!

  2. I will say a little prayer for you all.
